Lisa Dettinger resides in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin with her husband of 29 years. They've raised three homeschool graduates who constantly amaze and inspire them and are also blessed with a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter. Lisa has a degree in education that spans PK-12, and has taught professionally in California and Wisconsin at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. She has been teaching writing classes for grades 4-12 since 2010 (the inspiration for her two writing e-courses), and her own writing has been published for university classes, teaching journals and virtual charter schools. Lisa has presented various seminars and workshops for children, teachers, and parents in public schools, private schools, university-model schools, churches, and homeschool support groups. In addition, Lisa is a certified Christian life coach, serving clients throughout the U.S. She has been blessed to publish books, create an e-course for homeschool moms, and is the administrator/lead teacher for an in-person private school that she started for grades 5-12. The name of her business, “PowerHouse Educational Resources,” reflects her desire for “God’s Power in Our Home.” As the title of her most recent book suggests, she is joyfully "Fully Whelmed."
Interested in life coaching with Lisa? Contact her to set up a free consultation.
Purchase 4 Coaching Sessions
Contact Lisa with inquiries about speaking for your church group, camp, homeschool group, support group, school, in-service, workshop, or conference.